to the second part of the RASL Minor
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In the second part of the RASL minor, you depart from your individual research interests and concerns to re-imagine tomorrow through diverse disciplines from and in a particular context (beyond RASL Minor spaces and audience of peers and tutors). You can build on the themes and / or research findings from PART I, or start a new project.

We continue to work in the framework established in PART I, of which the key propositions are:
– collaboration
– undisciplinarity
– situatedness
– making public(s)

Any project is always situated in a particular time and place, and is done according to specific ways of working, with particular tools, in particular material conditions and in relation to existing practices, ideas and other happenings. Work that is shared with anyone other than yourself immediately has an audience, and is also shaped by that audience – even before it is made public. Working in a situated way, which includes an awareness of your own positionality and how you are engaged with your surroundings, means working in and from a particular context. Nothing happens in a vacuum, and the complexity and interconnectedness of ourselves within our working context shape how we can do research and engage with our surroundings.

To cultivate the skills and insights essential for your post-graduation professional endeavors across diverse contexts, we ask you to extend your research beyond the confines of the RASL spaces on the third floor of Hillevliet. Engage with audiences beyond your tutors and peers, collaborating with organizations or collectives within the Hillevliet building, perhaps established during PART I. Or, explore opportunities in your own neighborhood or communities you are engaged in, such as a nearby bakery. Throughout the process and in the final assignments, you will reflect on what it means to work from and in a specific context, and demonstrate how you worked and what the implications are for both your work and your surroundings.

Similarly to the first part, we will continue with a pressure cooker presentation after two weeks, which will enable you to form your own collaborations. You decide how to define the collaborative aspect of your project. You can collaborate with your peers, with people outside of the minor, or find alternative ways of collaborating beyond (living) human collaborations.
>> next // brief part II